Today Jai and I took a side trip to the Enchanted Highway in Regent North Dakota. Thanks again to Jai for indulging me in another crazy photo op. It was 86 miles one way from where we were camping.…..The sculptures are on a two lane paved road that stretches 32 miles that ends in the city of Regent South Dakota
Local artist Gary Greff conceived of the project and began building it in 1989, and continues to maintain the sculptures. He took inspiration from local wildlife and historical figures, including Theodore Roosevelt. Greff’s intention was to revive his hometown of Regent, after decades of population and economy decline. In 2012, Greff opened a motel, The Enchanted Castle, in Regent, continuing the theme of the Enchanted Highway. Gary continues to work on new sculptures for the Enchanted Highway. The wind was crazy again which seems to be a South/North Dakota theme.
Enjoy the pictures of the highway which include Geese in Flight, The Deer Family, Grasshoppers in the Field, Fisherman’s Dream, Pheasants on the Prairie, Tim Family, Teddy Rides Again and The Knight and Dragon. The final two pictures are from the highway and are of Salem Sue a huge fiberglass cow on a hill. One more roadside attraction……
Posted by Mystic Explorer 02:11 Archived in USA
WOW...very cool! Looks even more spectacular against the open landscape. I hope it's achieved the artist goal of revitalizing Regent community.
by Scot D.