A Travellerspoint blog


Alabama is named the Land of a Thousand Waterfalls so we decided to go find a few on Saturday. High Falls is on the south side of Guntersville Lake and spans 300 feet across. There were people in play boats at the bottom ready to take on the class 3 and class 5 rapids that await them. They had a bridge that crosses above the falls to get to the other side. The hiking trails were pretty rustic but gave us a few different views of the falls and I was able to explore above the falls. In the summer its a popular area to swim and cliff jump.
The second stop was Griffin Falls a 40 foot waterfall that you have to climb/ scamper over lots of rocks/boulders to get to. though it took me awhile it sure was worth the hike. Since we have been having rain the falls were flowing and with the sun I caught a few rainbows as I shot photos and video. Another beautiful day in Alabama.

Posted by Mystic Explorer 15:42

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