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View 2019 Winter on Mystic Explorer's travel map.

We did the tourist thing today and visited Graceland. Jai has been here but my first time. We did the low end tour and saw the planes and toured Graceland inside and out. For a mere $180 per person you can go there plus tour the autos, clothes etc.
Took a few pictures inside but most were outside of the grounds and memorial harden where he, his parents and grandmother are buried along with a monument for his twin brother that was still born-which I never knew. We finally had sun today to enjoy the time we spent there and saw a few signs of Spring blooming.


Posted by Mystic Explorer 13:49 Archived in USA

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Very cool! I’ve never been. Always see pictures of front & some inside. Interesting to see back side & more details of memorials area.

You are now bona fide “Tourist”!

by Scot

Very interesting & cool & I enjoy seeing the pics you shared with us. I've never been there so find you posting fascinating. Hey, we are to get 4 days of weather temps in 40's beginning Saturday. Got 5 inches of snow late Monday. It's been a mild winter thus far ????????. I enjoy your adventures & sharing. I was telling my nephew of your Eagle adventure as he loves Eagles. ????

by Mary

I am so glad you are still enjoying your retirement!! When will start sitting at home on your front porch rocking in your chair? I can tell you don't have time for that!! lol

by Jane

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